a) Prophets before the exile to Babylon
b) Prophets in Babylon
c) Prophets after the exile to Babylon

a) Prophets before the exile to Babylon

        While the nation of Israel became more distant to God, and closer to their idols, the Lord sent the prophets, Isaiah and Jeremiah, men full of the Spirit and who spoke in His name, to insist that they should on believe in God and be truly converted in their hearts.

        Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would be born to a virgin (Book of Emmanuel), and that he would overcome evil through his suffering (Songs of the Lord’s Servants). The physical features of the Messiah described by Isaiah surprisingly coincide with those of Jesus in the moment of his passion.

        Jeremiah was called by God when he was still young so that he could preach about the king of Judah’s repenting, but no one listened to him and finally he was blamed for the exile.

b) Prophets in Babylon

        During the exile which the nation of Israel suffered through its own fault, God sent the prophet Ezekiel to his people.

        Ezekiel was a priest who, after receiving numerous visions, indoctrinated his exiled people to break with their sinful past, and to renew themselves from within, keeping in mind the importance that God should have in their lives.

c) Prophets after the exile to Babylon

        Around the second century B.C. a young Hebrew man called Daniel served in the court of King Nebuchadnezzar.

        Daniel inaugurated the apocalyptic genre, announcing how the end of times would happen, the coming of the son of man, the founding of the kingdom of saints. Daniel the prophet also announces the resurrection of the dead as it occurs before the final judgment.

        Another twelve prophets, called the lesser prophets, also fulfilled their calling in Israel from the sixth to the first century B.C. They are: Jonah, Obadiah, Micah, Hagaai, Zephaniah, Joel, Amos, Malachi, Hosea, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zechariah.


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